Astrological Forecast for January 2023

Mercury is already retrograde at the start of the year and will remain so until January 18th, when it will turn direct. It happens when Mercury appears to be moving backward from its usual orbit around the Sun, causing confusion and disruption for those who are affected by this celestial body. Communication may feel more difficult during these times, or plans may seem to be constantly derailed.

However, it is critical not to despair during such times. Although the effects of Mercury in Retrograde can appear severe and difficult to overcome, they do not have to be a source of anxiety or distress. We can use this phase as an opportunity for positive change and growth if we have the proper understanding and awareness of what it entails. We can take advantage of what this period has to offer by looking inward at our habits and behaviors rather than being consumed by dread and worry about its effects on our lives.

Venus will then enter the sign of Aquarius on January 2nd. Venus is well-known for its influence on love, relationships, and beauty. We may find ourselves connecting to our inner selves in a new way when it is in the sign of Aquarius. Because this airy sign is associated with intelligence and foresight, Venus's visit to Aquarius can be an exciting time to explore our vision.

Those born under this sign may be especially fortunate during this transit because it promotes a greater understanding of oneself and how we fit into the world around us. This can bring more joy into our lives as we figure out how we want to connect with those around us and which relationships are important for personal growth. With Venus in the picture, you should feel free to express yourself creatively, so don't be afraid to use your natural talent or try something new!

On January 6th, there will be a full moon in the sign of Cancer. When a full moon occurs in Cancer, we can expect heightened emotions such as stress or anxiety; however, on a more positive note, this could also mean that we feel more comfortable expressing love in our relationships. Because of the effects of Mercury in retrograde, you may have difficulty communicating your emotions and miscommunications in your home life. It is best not to attempt to resolve emotionally charged situations at this time.

The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on January 21st. We tend to feel more inspired, creative, and optimistic about our lives when the Sun is in Aquarius. This energy allows us to break free from old ways of thinking and think outside the box when dealing with life's problems. We become more self-sufficient thinkers, less influenced by societal norms or expectations, and instead, embrace our own unique path forward. This newfound freedom brings with it a sense of liberation that can assist us in making our dreams a reality!

January is an excellent time to begin making plans for the coming year. Because Mercury is in retrograde for the first half of the month, you should avoid taking action and instead focus on letting go of anything from the previous year that no longer serves you and deciding on what you want to experience in the future. Make lists, journal, meditate, and spend time preparing for the possibilities of the coming months!


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