February 2022 Astrology Calendar

February 2022 Astrology is indicating a positive month ahead. The energy will feel lighter than January as the demand from others shifts to the demands we put on ourselves. Overall, there is a sense of liberation and freedom as we make important decisions within our work, relationships, and personal growth.

We’re all bound to the Aquarius Sun that shines a quirky light on our personalities. Whichever house Aquarius occupies in your natal chart is bound to be where you’ll overthink yet progress the most.

Here are the major astrological dates for February 2022 and what they mean.

February 1 New Moon in Aquarius

New moons are a time of initiation and planting seeds, while Aquarius is rebellious and seeks independent ventures. Combined, you can expect the New Moon in Aquarius to help you align with your authenticity. If you’ve felt lost, the new moon in Aquarius may present opportunities to reveal your life purpose. Pay close attention to what you end up doing this day and the day after.

February 1 Lunar New Year 

Happy Lunar New Year! It’s the year of the Water Tiger in Chinese Astrology, and it’s bound to bring us all good luck. The year of the Tiger represents strength, courage, and ambition.

February 3 Mercury Direct in Capricorn

We made it! Another Mercury retrograde in the books, and we escaped with only a few bumps and bruises. Fortunately, this was anticipated to be the hardest of the year. There is still a shadow period to consider. Once that’s settled, Mercury in Capricorn will stabilize our thoughts, communication, and ideas. This transition brings everything down to earth and makes things more manageable.

February 4 Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces

This energetic aspect is worth mentioning as it carries tons of forwarding momentum. Expect a burst of energy. If you’ve been feeling under the weather, you may get a well-deserved pick-me-up. Occurring on a Friday, this is a good time to finalize or make big advances on work so you can enjoy the weekend.

February 8 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus

Freedom-fighting Mars energy surges through the sign of independence. You may feel the need to take charge. Sometimes the only way to get things done right is to do it yourself.

February 11 Mercury in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Just when you thought you had things under control, mysterious Pluto comes in to throw a wrench in the plans. It will be especially important to keep your cool and maintain focus on this day. Go with the flow and find fun in the unexpected.

February 14 Mercury Re-enters Aquarius

This won’t make for the most romantic Valentine’s Day, but it can lead to some powerful conversations. The next two weeks this placement leads to an overall neutral vibe. If you tend to be overly emotional, this will be a pleasant break. But this could also lead to a lack of passion and more overthinking.

February 16 Venus in Capricorn Conjunct Mars in Capricorn

Solidify business plans, commit to a relationship, stabilize your spending and have a ball. This brief placement can bring a lot of reassurance and grant you permission to enjoy yourself a little more.

February 16  Full moon in Leo

This may feel like quite the reckoning. The Full moon illuminates Leo who is ruled by the Sun. This can feel like all bets off. If you’ve been performing or in any way living inauthentically, things may come full circle.

February 18 Sun enters Pisces

Happy Birthday, Pisceans. Let love, creativity, and escapisms flow. The idealistic approach is refreshing following the analytical Aquarius aspect. Things feel a lot more intense but also more fulfilling.

February 23  Mars in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces

Meaningful progress towards something you feel deeply about is likely. Sensuality, passion, charisma, and charm are high. Relationships can reach new heights at this time.

February 24 Venus in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces

Joining Mars in Sextiling Capricorn, Venus adds romance to the steamy mix. Like a planetary does of MDMA–everyone seems to love everyone. We are seeing likable traits in all that we encounter. Most of this is the idealist approach but it’s still enjoyable.

February 24  Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

Manifestations, creativity, expression, victory, expansion, and meaningful progress peak at this time. This isn’t a fluke. What’s shared at this time will have lasting effects.

February 2022 Astrology 

Overall, this is a beautiful month ahead and we have a lot of emotionally charged experiences ahead of us.


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